1简介跟踪卫星信号通常是基于锁相环(锁相环)。这也适用于典型的全球导航卫星系统(全球导航卫星系统),这往往特点相结合的一个锁相环一个动态链接库(延迟锁定回路)和/或跳蚤(锁相环频率)提高跟踪性能情况下应力(即,偏差信号从其标称相位)[ 1]。通常,一个锁相环的性能进行评估,在存在噪声和相位差由于运动或接收器和/或卫星。最重要的是,噪音水平,将特征的典型的相位误差估计。这种错误的方式描述的标准偏差的相位误差,称为相位抖动[ 1]。价值观的相位抖动可以提供一个了解性能的锁相环中存在的任何噪声源。标准治疗只考虑高斯白噪声作为一个恶化的因素影响的相位误差在锁相环。很少有人企图在一个衰落信道[ 2]。最重要的方面要注意的是,描述的锁相环的性能中存在一个衰落信道是显着不同的描述,只有白高斯噪声的存在。每当逐渐开始成为大型的运作将从线性到非线性制度。迄今为止,最显着的企图评价非线性锁相环的行为描述[ 3]。行为的一个锁相环嵌入到一个典型的商业卫星导航接收机进行了分析中存在电离层闪烁事件。我们的目标是获得详细的证据的限制的锁相环的性能在电离层闪烁事件。
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GPS global satellite positioning system and its application in the modern transportations
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[Abstract: This paper describes the GPS system principles and its three sub-systems, highlighting the GPS system in the transport network applications, including road works, car navigation and traffic management and other applications]
1, Global Positioning System GPS Overview
Global Positioning System GPS is the U.S. military early 70s, "TRANSIT satellite navigation and positioning" technically replaced with the Development of global, all-round nature (land, marine, aviation and aerospace), all-weather advantage of the navigation and positioning, timing, velocimetry. GPS constituted by three major sub-systems: space satellite systems, ground control system, the user receiving system.
Space Satellite System
Space satellite system is composed of uniformly distributed in six orbital planes of 24 high-orbit satellites work, the orbital plane relative to the equatorial plane with an inclination of 55Ο, orbital plane spacing 60Ο. In each orbital plane, the inclination of satellite l length difference 90Ο, any track on the west side of the adjacent satellites in orbit than the corresponding satellite ahead 30Ο. In fact, the number of satellites in space satellite systems to more than 24, so that timely replacement of aging or damaged satellites, security systems work properly. The satellite system can guarantee that any one place on Earth available to users in more than four visible satellites.
Space systems, each satellite at 12 hours (sidereal time) along nearly circular orbits around the globe, from space-borne high-precision atomic clocks (the base frequency F = 10.23MHZ) control the radio tran *** itter in the "low-noise window" (Radio window , the frequency range of 2 to 8 the minimum noise section of the antenna area of space remote sensing and radio interferometry preferred band) near the launch of L1, L2 two kinds of carrier receiving system to global users of GPS navigation signals continuously broadcast. The working Group on GPS satellite network to protect the world at any one time, any place can be of four or more satellites for observation (up to 11), to achieve continuous, real-time navigation and positioning.
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The act or process of making a map.
Mathematics A rule of correspondence established between sets that associates each element of a set with an element in the same or another set.
【数学】 映象:一种 *** 间一一对应关系的规则,一个 *** 中的每个元素与同一或另一 *** 中的一个元素相对应
topography 测绘学
surveying and mapping
survey and draw
make maps
*** 释义
测绘。测绘是以计算机技术、光电技术、 *** 通讯技术、空间科学、信息科学为基础,以全球定位系统(GPS)、遥感(RS)、地理信息系统(GIS)为技术核心,将地面已有的特征点和界线通过测量手段获得反映地... 详细 �0�3
搜索 测绘 测绘工程的前景 西安工程测绘 ***
Techniques of layout: In construction layout measurement, the data necessary to establish the direction and distance from a control point to locate a construction point can be entered into the instrument via the keyboard or directly from an office computer. Then the surveyor guides the person holding the pri *** along the line of computed direction until the distance to the point to accomplish this goal. A very popular technique called free station permits the surveyor to set up the total station at any convenient position and then to determine the coordinates and elevation of that instrument position by sighting previously coordinated reference stations. After the instrument has been set up over this instrument position (a control point) and properly oriented, angles or azimuths from the control point and distances to each layout point may be indicated. Now many total stations have such functions that the coordinates and elevations of the layout point may be uploaded into the total station, the instrument’s display shows the left/right, forward/back, and up/down movements needed to place the pri *** in each of the desired positions.As-built surveys: When the construction surveying has been completed, a final survey is performed. The final survey includes cross sections and locations that are used for final payments to the contractor and for the completion of an as-built drawing. These are the as-built surveys and they are used to check the contractor’s work and show locations of structures and their components (water line, sewer, etc.), which will be needed for future maintenance, changes, and new construction.
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